Scientists Create Nanobots Powered by DNA

Muhammad Mohsin


In a breakthrough achievement, scientists have successfully engineered nanobots powered by DNA. These microscopic machines, roughly 200 nanometers in size (about 1,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair), have the potential to revolutionize various fields, from medicine to environmental remediation.

The research, published in the esteemed journal Nature Nanotechnology, was conducted by a team of scientists at Yonsei University in South Korea. The team's innovative design incorporates a gold and iron oxide core encapsulated within a gold cage. This core functions as the engine of the nanobot, rotating in response to an applied magnetic field.

The ingenious twist comes in the form of a DNA clutch. Strands of DNA are attached to both the inner surface of the gold cage and the outer surface of the nanoparticle motor. By introducing a specific molecular trigger, the DNA strands are designed to fuse together, locking the engine in place and activating the nanobot.

This DNA clutch mechanism grants scientists unprecedented control over the nanobots. By applying an external magnetic field, they can steer and guide the nanobots with remarkable precision. This targeted delivery system paves the way for exciting applications in nanomedicine, where nanobots could be programmed to deliver drugs directly to diseased cells or perform delicate surgical procedures at the microscopic level.

The potential applications of these DNA-powered nanobots extend far beyond the realm of medicine. In the field of environmental remediation, they could be deployed to clean up pollutants or break down harmful toxins with unmatched precision. Additionally, their ability to interact with biological systems makes them prime candidates for bioengineering applications, such as targeted gene therapy or cellular manipulation.

The development of DNA-powered nanobots marks a significant leap forward in the field of nanotechnology. These minuscule marvels hold immense promise for revolutionizing various sectors, from healthcare and environmental science to engineering and materials science. As research in this field progresses, we can expect even more groundbreaking discoveries that will shape the future of medicine, technology, and our understanding of the world around us.


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