Newborn Black Holes Spew Gas So Hard They Almost Stop Spinning

Muhammad Mohsin


A recent study published in the journal The Astrophysical Journal has shed light on a cosmic mystery: the spin of newborn black holes. Contrary to previous assumptions, researchers have found that these celestial giants may be born with significantly slower spins than previously thought, due to the powerful jets of gas and dust they expel during their formation.

Black holes are the densest objects in the universe, with gravitational pulls so strong that not even light can escape their grasp. They are formed when massive stars collapse in on themselves, and as they spin, they drag the surrounding spacetime along with them, creating a warped region known as an ergosphere. This ergosphere can extract energy and angular momentum from anything that enters it, causing the black hole to spin even faster.

For years, astronomers believed that newborn black holes would spin at close to their maximum rate, due to the immense amount of material they gobble up during their formation. However, this new study suggests that a crucial factor has been overlooked: the powerful jets of gas and dust that shoot out from the black hole's poles as it engulfs matter.

These jets, like a rocket expelling hot gases, carry away angular momentum, the property of a spinning object. The study, led by researchers at the Northwestern University in Illinois, used sophisticated computer simulations to model the dynamics of these jets and their impact on the black hole's spin.

The simulations revealed that the intense jets can significantly slow down the black hole's spin. In some cases, the spin could be reduced to as low as 0.2, a mere 20% of its maximum potential. This is a major departure from previous estimates, which placed the spin of newborn black holes much closer to the theoretical maximum of 1.

The findings of this study are not only theoretically significant, but they also have important implications for our understanding of black hole evolution. By measuring the spin of a black hole, astronomers can gain insights into its history and formation process. The new study suggests that observing slower-spinning black holes could be an indicator that they were born with jets that were particularly powerful or long-lasting.

This research opens up exciting new avenues for further exploration. Astronomers are now eager to compare the predictions of these simulations with real-world observations of black holes. By combining theoretical modeling with cutting-edge astronomical data, scientists can continue to unravel the enigmas surrounding these fascinating celestial objects.



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