Whirlpool Swivels Strategy, Shrinking Down to Size Up Profits

Muhammad Mohsin


Whirlpool, a household name synonymous with bulky appliances like refrigerators and washing machines, is undergoing a strategic transformation. Facing a changing consumer landscape and a volatile market, the company is downsizing its ambitions, placing a stronger emphasis on smaller appliances like blenders, coffee makers, and stand mixers.

The past few years have been marked by dramatic fluctuations in demand for major appliances. Inflationary pressures have caused consumers to rethink large purchases, leading to a significant decline in sales for high-ticket items like refrigerators. This shift, coupled with a softening demand witnessed in 2022, prompted Whirlpool to reassess its business model.

In response to these market dynamics, Whirlpool is pinning its future growth on the higher-margin and more stable small appliance sector. These products, which experienced steady growth during the pandemic as people cooked more at home, offer greater profitability and less vulnerability to economic fluctuations.

To capitalize on this opportunity, Whirlpool is expanding its small appliance portfolio with cutting-edge offerings like fully automatic espresso machines and cordless kitchen gadgets. The company projects its small appliance business to reach $1.3 billion by 2026, a significant increase from $1 billion in 2023. Additionally, Whirlpool is targeting double-digit margins for this segment, with some new products expected to see growth of up to 10%.

Beyond its product strategy, Whirlpool is also undertaking extensive cost-cutting measures. The company aims to slash hundreds of millions of dollars in expenses this year, partly achieved through headcount reductions. Furthermore, Whirlpool is divesting its appliance business in the Europe, Middle East, and North Africa (EMEA) region, which accounts for about 20% of its revenue. This move aims to tighten its structure and free up resources for investments in its core growth areas.

Whirlpool's strategic shift also aligns with changing consumer trends. With a depressed U.S. housing market leading to fewer home purchases, demand for major appliances has naturally dampened. Additionally, slipping consumer confidence further underscores the need for Whirlpool to adapt to a cautious spending environment.

Despite the current challenges, Whirlpool remains optimistic about the future. Chief Financial Officer Jim Peters anticipates a rebound in existing-home sales, a key driver for the company's revenue, later this year or next. In the meantime, Whirlpool is proactively implementing its plan to emerge stronger by focusing on profitable products, streamlining operations, and aligning with evolving consumer preferences.

To provide greater transparency and visibility into its business, Whirlpool is also making significant reporting changes. Beginning with the current quarter, the company will report on its small appliance segment separately on a global basis. This move allows investors and analysts to better understand the performance and potential of this growing segment.

Analysts have largely welcomed the changes, particularly the separate reporting for small appliances. This transparency is expected to facilitate a clearer understanding of the company's growth trajectory and potentially contribute to a sales turnaround.

Whirlpool's strategic pivot towards smaller appliances represents a bold move in a rapidly evolving market. By adapting to changing consumer behavior, streamlining operations, and focusing on profitable segments, the company positions itself for long-term success in a dynamic landscape.


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