Varda Blazes Trail for Microgravity Drug Development

Muhammad Mohsin


Zero-gravity innovation promises a revolutionary leap in medicine: purer, more potent drugs.

Imagine a future where life-saving medications are not only more effective but also more affordable. Varda Space Industries, a pioneering company, is making this vision a reality by harnessing the power of microgravity to revolutionize drug development.

Varda's groundbreaking approach leverages the unique environment of space to cultivate superior drug crystals. Microgravity, the near-weightless state experienced in orbit, fosters the formation of crystals with superior structure, molecular orientation, and fewer imperfections. This translates to potentially more potent drugs requiring lower doses, ultimately reducing treatment costs.

The benefits of microgravity crystallization are well-documented. Professor Anne Wilson, a leading researcher in the field, highlights the ability of this technique to yield "pure crystalline materials with unique properties." These superior crystals hold the potential to unlock significant advancements in drug development.

Josh Wolfe, co-founder and managing partner at Lux Capital, a major investor in Varda, emphasizes the economic implications: "Ideally, it is lowering the cost of very expensive, life-saving drugs." This technology could make cutting-edge treatments more accessible to a wider range of patients.

Established in 2020, Varda capitalized on the cost reduction of space travel thanks to reusable rockets. This enabled the creation of unmanned space capsules equipped with miniature factories capable of producing crystals in orbit.

Varda's inaugural mission launched in June 2023, successfully returning to Earth in February 2024 with crystals of ritonavir, an HIV medication. This successful test paves the way for future missions carrying drugs from partner pharmaceutical companies.

Varda is poised for an exciting future. The company plans two launches in 2024, with an additional three launches scheduled for 2025. Furthermore, Varda has secured contracts with pharmaceutical companies for upcoming missions, hinting at the potential for major industry partnerships.

Varda isn't just focused on space travel; they're also refining the selection process for drugs that benefit most from microgravity crystallization. Their recent publication in Crystal Growth & Design details a novel screening method.

Traditionally, research compared microgravity to Earth's gravity. Varda acknowledges that other factors beyond gravity may influence results. Their innovative approach utilizes a giant centrifuge to expose l-histidine, a model drug crystal, to varying gravitational forces (up to 5G).

This research allows Varda to identify drugs that exhibit a sensitivity to gravity. If a drug's properties degrade under increasing gravitational forces, this suggests a potential for improvement through microgravity crystallization. Varda leverages this knowledge to convince potential partners of the technology's effectiveness.

While the potential of microgravity drug development is undeniable, challenges remain. Corin Wagen, CEO of Rowan Scientific, a developer of drug discovery software, emphasizes the need for Varda to demonstrate a clear cost-benefit analysis for pharmaceutical companies. The additional expense and logistical hurdles of space travel must be justified by substantial improvements in drug efficacy.

However, Varda remains optimistic. Delian Asparouhov, co-founder and president of Varda, highlights instances where drugmakers have encountered insurmountable crystallization challenges on Earth. For these cases, Varda proposes utilizing space-grown seed crystals to facilitate drug production back on Earth.

Varda Space Industries is ushering in a new era in pharmaceutical development. By harnessing the unique properties of microgravity, Varda is paving the way for a future filled with purer, more potent drugs, ultimately improving lives and potentially making cutting-edge treatments more accessible for all. The success of Varda's pioneering efforts has the potential to revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry, shaping the future of medicine for generations to come.



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