Hurkle-Durkle: The Ancient Scottish Word Taking TikTok by Storm

Muhammad Mohsin


In the ever-evolving world of language, a delightful surprise has emerged: an old Scottish term is captivating the hearts (and sleepyheads) of the internet. This word, "hurkle-durkle," meaning to luxuriate in bed long after you should be up, has become a viral sensation, taking TikTok and social media by storm.

Imagine discovering a hidden treasure trove of forgotten words. That's precisely what "hurkle-durkle" represents. This delightful term originates from 19th-century Fife, Scotland, as documented in the Dictionary of the Scots Language. Its playful sound, echoing other reduplicative words like "helter-skelter" and "hocus-pocus," hints at the disarray and comfort it embodies.

Susie Dent, a renowned British lexicographer, deserves credit for reviving this linguistic gem. Through her popular appearances on the game show "Countdown" and daily offbeat word posts on Twitter (now X), Dent has cultivated a dedicated following fascinated by the quirks of language. In 2016, her tweet introducing "hurkle-durkle" as a 200-year-old term for blissful morning laziness captured the hearts of many.

Dent's tweet, shared widely online, soon reached the eyes of Kira Kosarin, a young actress with a massive TikTok following. Recognizing the word's potential, Kosarin dedicated a video extolling the joys of "hurkle-durkling" and the cozy mornings it represents. This video, with nearly four million views, sparked a viral firestorm, igniting public interest and inspiring countless discussions.

Why has this ancient word resonated so deeply with the 21st century? Dent believes it embodies a retreat, a guilt-free indulgence in comfort. The word itself, with its playful sounds, evokes a sense of enjoyment and carefree relaxation. Kosarin echoes this sentiment, highlighting the word's ability to encapsulate a complex feeling with simple elegance.

The widespread appeal of "hurkle-durkle" cannot be solely attributed to its novelty. Kosarin suggests that the word's universality plays a significant role. We all, at times, yearn for those extra five minutes of snuggling in bed. "Hurkle-durkle" simply offers a delightfully quaint way to express this universal desire.

Looking beyond the trend, "hurkle-durkle" serves as a charming reminder to embrace the occasional indulgence in comfort and celebrate the joy of the simple act of lingering in bed. It's a reminder that within the ever-evolving tapestry of language, hidden gems like "hurkle-durkle" exist, waiting to be rediscovered and shared, reminding us of the beauty and playfulness words can possess.


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