Highly Efficient All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Modules Reach 24.5% Certified Efficiency

Muhammad Mohsin


A new chapter in solar cell technology has been penned, with researchers achieving a significant leap in efficiency for all-perovskite tandem solar modules. This groundbreaking advance paves the way for a more sustainable and efficient future in energy generation.

While all-perovskite tandem solar cells have demonstrated impressive potential in laboratory settings, achieving the same level of performance on a larger scale remained a challenge. The key hurdle lay in controlling the uniformity and quality of perovskite films during the crucial fabrication process. These films, formed from light-absorbing materials, are central to the efficiency of the solar cell.

The research team tackled this challenge by introducing a novel additive named aminoacetamide hydrochloride (AAH). This ingredient, sourced from a list of zwitterionic salts known as Good's buffers, played a pivotal role in:

Slowing down perovskite crystallization: This ensured a more uniform and controlled formation of the perovskite film, crucial for optimal performance.

Passivation of buried interfaces: AAH effectively minimized charge carrier loss at the buried interface between the perovskite layer and the hole transport layer, leading to improved efficiency.

The combined effect of these actions resulted in remarkable achievements:

Enhanced uniformity: Large-area perovskite films were fabricated with exceptional uniformity, leading to consistent performance across the entire solar cell.

Improved performance: Blade-coated perovskite solar cells achieved a champion power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 21.4%, significantly exceeding previous records.

Record-breaking tandem modules: All-perovskite tandem solar modules were fabricated on sizeable 20.25 cm² substrates. These modules achieved a certified PCE of 24.5%, surpassing the current record for perovskite solar minimodules.

This groundbreaking achievement opens exciting possibilities for the future of solar energy.

Increased efficiency: The study outlines further optimization strategies that could potentially push the efficiency of all-perovskite tandem solar modules towards the 30% mark.

Enhanced stability: The research also sheds light on promising approaches for improving the operational stability of these solar cells, ensuring their durability in real-world applications.

The successful implementation of this innovative approach paves the way for the development of highly efficient, large-scale solar modules that can contribute significantly to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. As research continues to explore further advancements, we can expect even greater breakthroughs in the years to come.


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